4 Doves (& Pigeons) That Live In Washington! (state)

What kinds of doves can you find in Washington?

doves in the united states

Doves and pigeons (which is what larger doves are typically called) are stocky birds characterized by short necks, short slender bills, and a diet that is heavy on seeds. Due to their apparent peaceful nature, they are popular birds and a common visitor to backyards!

Today, you will learn about 4 types of doves that live in Washington!

If you’re interested, you may be able to see a Mourning Dove at my bird feeding station right now! I have a LIVE high-definition camera watching my feeders 24/7. 🙂

For each species, I provide some fun facts along with how to identify them by sight OR sound. Make sure to pay attention to the range maps to see which doves live near you!

The 4 Species of Doves That Live in Washington:

#1. Mourning Dove

Common Washington doves

Identifying Characteristics:

  • A mostly grayish dove with large black spots on the wings and a long thin tail.
  • Look for pinkish legs, a black bill, and a distinctive blue eye-ring.
  • Males and females look the same.

Mourning Dove Range Map

mourning dove range map

This species is the most common and familiar dove in Washington.

Look for them perched high up in trees or on a telephone wire near your home. They are also commonly seen on the ground, which is where they do most of their feeding.

Mourning Doves are common visitors to bird feeding stations!

To attract them, try putting out their favorite foods, which include millet, shelled sunflower seeds, Nyjer seeds, cracked corn, and safflower seeds. Mourning Doves need a flat place to feed, so the best feeders for them are trays or platforms. To be honest, they probably are most comfortable feeding on the ground, so make sure to throw a bunch of food there too.

dove species in the united states

Mourning Doves are prolific breeders! It’s common for females to have 3 to 6 broods each breeding season. The young only stay in the nest for a maximum of 15 days, but they stay nearby to be fed by their parents for roughly another week. Many people mistakenly think these young doves have fallen out of the nest since they can barely fly, and have no idea that the parents are nearby and still providing food for the hatchling.

It’s common to hear Mourning Doves in Washington.

Listen for a low “coo-ah, coo, coo, coo.In fact, this mournful sound is how the dove got its name! Many people commonly mistake this sound for an owl. (Press PLAY below!)

YouTube video

#2. Rock Pigeon

Types of doves that live in Washington

Identifying Characteristics:

  • A plump bird with a small head, short legs, and a thin bill.
  • The typical pigeon has a gray back, a blue-grey head, and two black wing bars. But their plumage is highly variable, and it’s common to see varieties ranging from all-white to rusty-brown.

Rock Pigeon Range Map

pigeon range map

Rock Pigeons are extremely common doves in Washington, but they are almost exclusively found in urban areas. These birds are what everyone refers to as a “pigeon.” You have probably seen them gathering in huge flocks in city parks, hoping to get tossed some birdseed or leftover food.

Pigeons are easily attracted to bird feeders, especially if there is leftover food lying on the ground. Unfortunately, these birds can become a bit of a nuisance if they visit your backyard in high numbers. Many people find their presence overwhelming and look for ways to keep them away!

These birds are easy to identify by sound. My guess is that you will already recognize their soft, throaty coos. (Press PLAY below)

Love them or hate them, Rock Pigeons have been associated with humans for a long time! Some Egyptian hieroglyphics suggest that people started domesticating them over 5,000 years ago. And because of these facts, scientists aren’t even sure where their original range was.

#3. Eurasian Collared-Dove

Kinds of doves in Washington

Identifying Characteristics:

  • A mostly sandy brown bird with a long, square-tipped tail.
  • As the name suggests, look for a black collar on the back of the neck.

Eurasian Collared-Dove Range Map

Eurasian collared dove range map

Eurasian Collared-Doves are invasive to Washington.

Unfortunately, somebody introduced them to the Bahamas in the 1970s, and since then, they have rapidly spread. In fact, their population is still spreading!

One of the reasons that these doves colonized here so quickly is due to their comfort level with humans. They have thrived being around bird feeders and in urban and suburban areas. It’s common to see them on the ground or platform feeders eating grains and seeds.

Listen for a “koo-KOO-kook” song, which is given by both sexes. The middle syllable is longer than the first and last one. Males sing louder when defending their territory or searching for a mate.

How do you tell them apart from Mourning Doves?

At first glance, Eurasian Collared-Doves look very similar to Mourning Doves. Here’s how to tell them apart:

  • Mourning Doves are smaller and have black dots on their wings.
  • Eurasian Collared-Doves are larger and have a black crescent around their neck.

#4. Band-tailed Pigeon

band tailed pigeon

Identifying Characteristics:

  • A large dove with grayish wings and back. Underparts are purple-gray.
  • Thin, yellow bill with a dark tip.
  • Look for a white bar on the back of their neck, which sits above a patch of greenish iridescent feathers. This feature should help you distinguish this dove from a Rock Pigeon.

If you see one Band-tailed Pigeon, then you should expect to see many more! These doves spend most of their time traveling in large groups, which can include hundreds of birds.

Band-tailed Pigeon Range Map

band tailed pigeon range map

Naturally, look for these doves in Washington in mature coniferous or mixed forests. But they have adapted well to people and can be found in wooded suburban areas visiting backyard bird feeders. In addition to seeds, these doves also eat a lot of berries and fruit!

Band-tailed Pigeons can be hard to see since they spend much of their time at the tops of large trees. You may have more luck listening for them while walking through the woods.

Males produce soft, deep, slow coos that rise slightly in pitch. Some people think they sound familiar to an owl hooting.

Which of these doves have you seen before in Washington?

Leave a comment below!


To learn more about birds in Washington, check out these other guides:

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  1. I think I have a large Eurasian collard dove at MT bird feeder. There are differences though. Its as big as a raven, the collar on the neck is white and the beak and legs are bright yellow. The colors are gray tones and there is a dark band half way up the tail. They are in a large flock. What kind of bird is this. I can’t find it in my bird books

  2. My daughter and I just saved 2 red-eyed doves stuck in my chicken coop. They are light grey with a collar and red eyes. I have a picture if you’re interested. This is in Washington state.

  3. Morning doves for or first time on Southhill yard,Spokane, last summer. A single Eurasian joined them this week. June,’23

  4. 2 band tail pigeons have been eating elderberry’s in my back yard on tiger mt. near issaquah for about 4 day’s now

  5. We have had a white colored Dove hanging around our property with the Euroasian Doves and Quails… We can not figure out where the white Dove came from, just showed up about 3 weeks ago and hangs out in our Spruce trees with the other Doves.. we live East of Spokane .

  6. Saw a pair of band-tailed pigeons on my backyard feeder this morning. I believe I saw another one in my yard that morning, too, but, it didn’t come to the feeder. I have never seen them there before. Fun!

  7. I’m looking at a pair of these band tailed pigeons in my yard now. Shoreline Wa. just out of seattle.