2 Types of MONKEYS That Live in the Philippines! (2025)
What kinds of monkeys live in the Philippines?
If you visit the Philippines, it’s only natural to ask yourself the above question. I mean, who doesn’t want to see monkeys!?
Luckily, there are quite a few species you should be able to find. So, keep reading to learn how to identify each primate. Plus, you are going to learn some fun and interesting facts. Pictures and range maps are also included!
2 monkey species that live in the Philippines:
#1. Long-tailed Macaque
- Macaca fascicularis
Also known as the Crab-eating Macaque or Cynomolgus Monkey.
Identifying Characteristics:
- Adults are 38-55 cm (15-22 in) long with tails that reach 40-65 cm (16-26 in).
- They have gray or brown coats that grow paler on the underparts and a white strip of hair on the upper lip that looks like a mustache.
Long-tailed Macaques make their home in shrublands, lowland rainforests, and coastal forests. But watch out; these cheeky monkeys in the Philippines might sometimes raid farms or dumpsters for a snack. They’re even known to steal food right from your hand!
Speaking of snacks, these monkeys in the Philippines aren’t picky.
They love fruit, but they’ll also forage for roots, leaves, and small critters. Plus, they’re super smart! They peel sweet potatoes with their teeth, wash their food before eating, and use rocks to bash clams, crabs, and oysters open.
Long-tailed Macaques are social creatures. They live in groups of 20 to 100, mostly made up of females and their young. When the males grow up, they venture out to find a new group of their own. Fights within a group are frequent, but these clever monkeys in the Philippines usually reconcile afterward to keep the peace.
#2. Philippine Slow Loris
- Nycticebus menagensis
Identifying Characteristics:
- These primates are only 27 cm long (11 in).
- They have small ears and large eyes.
- Their furry coats range from dull gold to reddish brown.
Check your garden! This tiny primate in the Philippines occasionally wanders into suburban yards. As a nocturnal animal, the Philippine Slow Loris boasts special eyes that can detect even the faintest light in the dark. It’s a strict tree-dweller, rarely venturing down to the ground.
Philippine Slow Lorises rely on tree sap to stay healthy. In fact, captive specimens become malnourished without access to this sweet, sticky substance. Interestingly, there are reports from Philippine locals that these tiny furballs enjoy the tangy taste of citruses like calamansi.
To stay hidden from predators, Philippine Slow Lorises move incredibly slowly. But when that’s not enough, these primates have another trick up their sleeves. By mixing saliva with the secretions from their armpits, they can inflict a venomous bite on any potential threats. So, if you spot one in the wild, it’s best to let it go about its slow and steady ways!
For more information about animals in the Philippines, check out these guides:
Which of these monkeys in the Philippines is your favorite?
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