4 Types of Parrots that live in Hawaii! (2025)

What types of parrots can you find in Hawaii?

A beautiful green parrot in Hawaii

Hawaii is home to dozens of beautiful and vibrantly colored birds. But none of them capture the attention of most people quite like a parrot.

Below, you will learn about the different species you can find on the islands. You will be surprised to learn that NONE of the parrots are native to Hawaii.

Parrots in Hawaii:

#1. Rose-ringed Parakeet 

  • Psittacula krameri
  • Not native to Hawaii
  • Found on Oahu and Kauai

A green Rose-ringed Parakeet, a type of parrot in Hawaii

  • Rose-ringed parakeets are naturally vibrant green with orange beaks.
  • Males have strong red and black colored neck rings. 
  • Females and juveniles may have no neck rings or subtle gray neck rings. 

Rose-ringed parakeets are bright green, eye-catching parrots found in Hawaii.

They are intelligent, social animals with loud voices! They have distinctive, carrying calls in the wild and can learn many words through mimicry when kept as pets. 

YouTube video

Rose-ringed parakeets are native to two distinct regions: Africa and Southeast Asia. However, due to the exotic pet trade, they have spread across the globe more successfully than any other parakeet. 

Rose-ringed Parakeets In Hawaii:

During the 1960s, Rose-ringed parakeets were imported as exotic pets to the Hawaiian archipelago. Unfortunately, a pair escaped on the island of Kauai in 1968 and began to breed. 

Following Hurricane Iwa in 1982, many more pet birds escaped, bolstering the growing feral population. Nowadays, rose-ringed parakeet colonies can be found in every major Hawaiian island

Rose-ringed parakeets are invasive and cause problems for the people and ecosystem of Hawaii. They are adaptable herbivores and feed on a wide range of fruits and grains. Large flocks of Rose-ringed parakeets heavily target crops, resulting in substantial losses to farmers. 

Furthermore, the behavior of Rose-ringed parakeets is destructive. They strip bark from trees and destroy plants. They also use aggressive behavior to displace native birds from tree cavities for nesting.  

#2. Red-masked Parakeet

  • Psittacara erythrogenys
  • Not native to Hawaii
  • Found on Oahu and the Big Island.

A rose-masked parakeet, an invasive parrot foud in hawaii

  • Red-masked parakeets are bottle-green almost all over.
  • They have scarlet feathers on the face, wing-bend, and lesser coverts. 
  • Males and females look similar, but males have more vibrant red plumage. 

Red-masked parakeets are also widely known as Cherry conures. These birds are intelligent, social, and live in large flocks. This makes them popular as pets due to their inquisitive, affectionate nature and impressive ability to mimic human speech.

Red-masked Parakeets In Hawaii:

Red-masked parakeets can be seen on Oahu and Hawaii Island (the Big Island). They were first spotted there in 1988 and were likely imported pet birds that were accidentally released. These parrots originate in a small region covering southern Ecuador and northern Peru.

On Hawaii Island, they often have conflicts with local farmers. Coffee farmers especially struggle with Red-masked parakeets as agricultural pests. 

As an invasive species, Red-masked parakeets can also impact native flora and fauna. They roost in existing tree cavities rather than building their own, which can cause competition for shelter between them and native birds that roost in cavities. 

#3. Red-crowned Parrot

  • Amazona viridigenalis
  • Not native to Hawaii
  • Found on Oahu.

  • Red-crowned parrots have bottle-green wings and vibrant green bodies.
  • They have scarlet feathers on their foreheads above large orange beaks.
  • A subtle patch of gray feathers extends from their eyes to the back of their heads. 

Red-crowned parrots are medium-large, vibrantly-colored birds native to Northeast Mexico and southern Texas.

However, much of the natural habitat of Red-crowned parrots has been lost. Consequently, they are considered endangered in their native range. These adaptable birds can now be found thriving in urban and suburban areas. 

Red-crowned Parrots In Hawaii:

The exotic pet trade is likely how Red-crowned parrots reached the island of Oahu in the Hawaiian archipelago. They were first sighted on Oahu in 1969, in Kapiolani Park, close to Honolulu Zoo. By the early 1970s, a small flock was observed with a fledgling chick.

Though the population of Red-crowned parrots on Oahu has not exploded or spread too significantly, they are still an invasive species that impacts their native ecosystem. Red-crowned parrots compete with native birds for nesting sites in tree cavities and food resources.

Furthermore, parrots can spread avian diseases such as psittacosis and avian pox. Diseases spread rapidly through flocks of highly social birds like Red-crowned parrots. 

#4. Rosy-faced Lovebird

  • Agapornis roseicollis
  • Not native to Hawaii
  • Found on Maui and the Big Island.

  • Rosy-faced lovebirds are small parrots with short tails and beaks. 
  • Naturally, they have bright green bodies, peach faces, and cobalt blue tail feathers. 
  • Males and females look very similar.   

Rosy-faced lovebirds are one of the smallest species of parrot. They are often referred to as Red or Peach-faced lovebirds. They are very social birds that bond strongly with one partner.

These affectionate parrots make endearing pets that form close attachments with their owners. Consequently, they have been affected by widespread capture and export for the exotic pet trade. 

Rosy-faced Lovebirds In Hawaii:

These beautiful parrots can be spotted on Maui and the Big Island. Though little information is available, the general assumption is that they, like so many other parrot species, were imported as exotic pets and thereafter escaped or were released. 

Though they are invasive birds, their endearing appearance buys them grace with local people. The opinion is divided between residents who enjoy seeing them and small-scale local farmers who view them as pests. 

Rosy-faced lovebirds have varied herbivorous diets and quickly adapted to eat the fruits and grains in Hawaii. Their flocks sometimes target farms, which causes crop losses. Furthermore, they consume the seeds and fruits of native plants.

They also impact native bird species through their behavior. While Rosy-faced lovebirds are very gentle-natured with their conspecifics, they can be aggressive toward other species. For example, Rosy-faced lovebirds have been known to occupy nests built by other bird species.

Do you want to learn about MORE birds in Hawaii?

Check out these ID Guides. Each one is specific to birds found here!

Common Birds / Endemic Birds / Birds of Prey / Water BirdsBirding Tours!

Which of these parrots have you seen before in Hawaii?

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One Comment

  1. What beautiful birds! I never saw any of these parrots on my numerous Hawaiian trips but their lush green colours likely blended in with the natural surroundings so perfectly! My favourite bird in the Hawaiian islands is on Kauai, they have feral roosters running about everywhere it seems! Awesome! I’m a big rooster fan!!!