
Before sending a message, please read the following:

Please don’t send an email regarding a specific problem you are having at your bird feeding station.

Due to sheer volume, I am unable to respond or adequately help you. I’m sorry, I wish I had the time and resources. 🙂  Here are your other options:

  • Find the appropriate article on Bird Watching HQ and ask your question in the Comments section at the bottom.
    • I’m much better at responding this way instead of sending me an email. More importantly, by utilizing the comments section, your question/feedback will potentially help a lot of other people!
  • Ask your question on my YouTube channel:
    • Specifically, go to one of my LIVE cams and you will see a chat function on the right-hand side. There is a whole community of people that may be able to help answer your question. I also hang out there quite a bit. 🙂
    • Go To YouTube!

If you have a marketing proposition, feel free to send me the information and I will respond if interested.

For success stories or examples of how Bird Watching HQ has helped you, PLEASE let me know!


CCL Digital LTD

PO Box 1478

Stow, OH 44224

(216) 438-0941