Great Tit Sounds (Learn 3 Common Calls)

Living in the deciduous forests of Europe is this colorful little bird named the Great Tit. It is one of the most studied birds in Europe because of its ability to live in harmony with people. The Great Tit has a simple song that is well known during spring time.

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Sound #1: ‘Teacher-Teacher-Teacher

Sung mainly by the male in springtime for mating, many use the mnemonic ‘teacher‘ to help remember this song. Although males and females look very similar, Great Tit males have a darker line going down their chest than females. The darker the line, the more successful the bird is in mating.

Sound #2: Scolding Alarm Call

With a mnemonic of ”see-rattle,‘ this scolding alarm call can be used towards humans, other birds, and even predators. During the winter Great Tits frequent bird feeders instead of hunting insects. They usually join in with other flocks of similar sized birds. This call may be used when there are disputes about food within the group.

Sound #3: Begging Call

Great Tits typically only have one clutch of eggs per year, with 5-11 eggs in each clutch. Although the female does all the incubating, the male does help in feeding once the chicks hatch. This begging call can be heard as chicks get older and start to leave the nest. If spotted at feeders, you can recognize chicks because they will make this call and be flapping their wings.

Have you heard the calls and sounds of a Great Tit before?

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