3 Types of Orioles Found in California! (2025)

What types of orioles can you find in California?

common orioles in california

Few birds get me as excited as seeing Baltimore Orioles in my backyard each spring, either sipping grape jelly or feeding on orange halves. It’s no wonder these beautiful blackbirds (Yes, all orioles are part of the Icteridae family and considered blackbirds 🙂 ) draw so much attention and are a favorite amongst many people, both birders and non-birders alike.

Below are the 3 types of orioles that live in California!

Make sure to pay attention to the range maps below to see which orioles live near you! For each species, I have included a few photographs, along with their most common sounds, to help you identify any birds you are lucky enough to observe.

#1. Bullock’s Oriole

species of orioles in california

Bullock’s Orioles are common in California. Look for them in open woodlands or parks, where there are large trees spaced out a bit.

Males are bright orange and easily identified by a black line that runs across their eyes and a black throat. Females look different and have a yellowish head, chest, and tail with a grayish body.

bullocks oriole on bird feeder

A unique skill that Bullock’s Orioles display is their ability to hang upside down for extended periods of time. They do this behavior while searching for insects or building their exquisite woven nests.

Bullock’s Oriole Range Mapbullocks oriole range map

To attract Bullock’s Orioles in California, try using one of these strategies below:

  • Ripe fruit, such as bananas, cherries, grapes, or various berries. Orioles are attracted to the color orange, so putting out orange slices works best in my backyard.
  • Grape jelly, placed in a cup, is a treat that orioles find hard to resist. You may also see catbirds and woodpeckers sampling the jelly.

bullocks oriole on nectar feeder

  • Similar to hummingbirds, Bullock’s Orioles love drinking nectar from flowers. You can take advantage of this fact by setting out oriole-friendly nectar feeders at your bird feeding station.
  • You may also see them eating suet and sunflower seeds.

Press PLAY above to hear a Bullock’s Oriole singing!

There is a lot of individual variation with the songs of Bullock’s Orioles. But in general, listen for clear, flutelike whistles that are around 3 seconds long, and often interspersed with rattles.

Scientific Name: Icterus bullockii

#2. Hooded Oriole

hooded oriole

Males range from flame orange to bright yellow, depending on where they live, so you can’t rely on color alone to identify these orioles. Females are more consistent and usually appear olive-yellow with a grayish back. Look for a slightly curved bill on both sexes.

These birds are sometimes called “palm-leaf orioles,” because of their fondness for hanging their nests on the underside of palm fronds. In fact, Hooded Orioles are slowly expanding their range northward as people keep planting ornamental palms to landscape their homes and neighborhoods.

Hooded Oriole Range Maphooded oriole range map

Most Hooded Orioles migrate south to Mexico for winter. But some individuals choose to stay in California all year. These birds spend the cold months hanging out at bird feeders, eating oranges and jelly, and drinking sugar water. Not a bad life if you ask me! 🙂

YouTube video

These orioles can be hard to see due to their inconspicuous nature. But you should have no problem hearing them if they are around, as both sexes sing! Listen for a series of chatters, warbles, and whistles that lasts between 1 to 4 seconds. Sounds range quite a bit among individual birds, and it doesn’t have the sweet song characteristic of other oriole species.

Scientific Name: Icterus cucullatus

#3. Scott’s Oriole

scotts oriole

You can find these beautiful orioles in arid areas of southern California. Look for them from the mountains to foothills and all the way down to the desert. These birds forage and nest in palms, junipers, pinyon pines, and especially yuccas, where nectar, insects, and nesting material is gathered.

Scott’s Oriole Range Map

scotts oriole range map

Interestingly, Scott’s Orioles are one of the few birds that will eat a Monarch Butterfly. Most species avoid eating these butterflies because they taste bad, which is a result of the milkweed plants they consume. These birds accomplish this feat by only eating the abdomens of the less potent ones.

Scott’s Orioles are easy to find because of their bright yellow plumage.

But it’s possible you will hear these birds first since males start singing before the sun even comes up, and then keep singing periodically through the rest of the day. Females tend only to sing while at the nest, in response to their mate.

Press PLAY above to hear a Scott’s Oriole singing!

Listen for a series of clear, low whistles that varies among individuals.

Scientific Name: Icterus parisorum

Do you need help attracting orioles?

Try reading this article that I wrote. It should help!

Which of these orioles have you seen before in California?

Leave a comment below!

To learn more about birds that live near you, check out these other guides!

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  1. San Diego: I have had a pair of Orioles nest in my family room window for the last 9 years. The female weaves her nest between the screen door, (that I jam in place), and a rolldown blind. We have had over 50 babies fledge from that one site. I put out 3 feeders every year and have over 50 hummingbirds that live with us all year round. We have Hooded and Bullock visit us. Not seen a Scott’s yet but I’m sure we will in time. I have an Oriole group on Nextdoor and try to keep people informed about when NOT to trim trees to prevent nests from being removed during the nesting season.

  2. Hooded Orioles male and female visit my hummingbird feeder throughout the day down here in Fallbrook California. Very beautiful birds.

  3. I have all three species (Bullock’s, Hooded and Scott’s) in my backyard. They have been here for the last month or two. Not quite as many now as there were last month but I saw all three this morning!! Very colorful and fun to watch!!
    Thanks for the info!!

  4. Hooded oriole pair at my hummingbird feeder and at the grape jelly station. Sunday afternoon during a light rain in Fullerton CA.

  5. I thought I had a bullocks oriole nesting under the eave of my porch; but now I think it’s a hooded oriole. The male is gorgeous! They both love to swing on, and eat from, my red hot pokers.