When should you plant MILKWEED seeds in Ohio? (so they survive)

In my opinion, you can’t have too much Milkweed growing in your yard.

when to plant milkweed seeds in ohio

Not only are the blooming flowers beautiful, but this native plant is incredible for wildlife. I’m sure you have heard about how important Milkweed is for Monarch butterflies, as this is the only plant that their caterpillars will eat!


The LEAST expensive way to get lots of Milkweed in your yard is to grow them from seeds. Buying full-grown plants from a garden center can get VERY expensive.


But now that you have seeds, a very common question tends to arise:


When should you plant Milkweed seeds in Ohio?


Honestly, when I first learned the answer, I was a bit surprised!


The BEST time to plant Milkweed seeds in Ohio is the fall.

This was surprising to me because I’m so used to starting my vegetable seeds, like tomatoes, indoors during spring.


But Milkweed is native to Ohio and has evolved to thrive with cooler temperatures. In fact, the reason you need to plant the seeds in the fall is because of the cold weather!


To germinate in spring, Milkweed seeds need the freezing and thawing temperatures that winter provides, combined with moisture.


As you can see, because of these facts, you must plant Milkweed seeds in the fall. So, find an ideal spot for your Milkweed and get the seeds in the ground BEFORE the ground freezes in Ohio!


Most Milkweed species need to be planted in sunny areas with well-drained soil. Next, the seeds should be inserted slightly into the ground (I put them in about the length of my fingernail). Now you just need to wait until spring to see your plants germinate and start growing.


And remember that this native plant is a perennial and will come back every year. 🙂


But what if you want to start your seeds indoors in the spring?

milkweed seeds

While the best time to plant Milkweed seeds in Ohio is in the fall, it’s possible to do it in the spring.


But first, you MUST have the seeds go through something called artificial stratification. This process is where you simulate the effects of winter by placing the seeds in a moist paper towel and putting them in the fridge. If you just keep the seeds in a warm, dry place, such as in your house, then they will never grow! Milkweed seeds NEED cold weather to stimulate germination.


Once the Milkweed seeds have been properly prepared, they can be planted indoors approximately 4 to 8 weeks BEFORE the anticipated last frost. If your young plants are exposed to frost, then they might die. So it’s crucial not to transplant them outside until the weather has turned warm for good.


Have you had luck planting Milkweed seeds in Ohio?


If so, please share your best tips below!


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One Comment

  1. I scratched the planting area with a clawed gardening tool in October.. wetted the scratched ground with water.. making it wet enough to hold some seeds ..then pressed them into the most earth.
    One plant came up late the next spring.. I didn’t plant again..the floowing year..I had 6 plants coming up.. and the Monarchs laid eggs… I had 2 caterpillars that year… that was 6 years ago I planted.. this year I found 1 rogue plant growing about 2 feet out I to the yard.. I’m anxiously awaiting the monarchs arrival to lay their eggs.. the flower bed is a boom with late spring and early summer blossoms .. waiting for butterflies and hummers to feed..
    Also I have a birdbath for my feathered friends and have a made a bee and butterfly bath and water source by placing a shallow bowl filled with marbles and water.. they can drink and bath without drowning.
    Joan in ohio.