6 Types of WHITE Wildflowers in Alaska! (2025)
Did you find a WHITE wildflower in Alaska?
If so, I’m sure you’re wondering what type of wildflower you found! Luckily, you can use this guide to help you identify it. 🙂
Please be aware that today I’m ONLY listing and focusing on the most COMMON plants. There are so many species, varieties, and subspecies that it would be impossible to name them all. But if you want to dive deeper into all the white wildflowers in Alaska, check out this field guide!
Here are 6 different WHITE wildflowers found in Alaska!
#1. English Plantain
- Plantago lanceolata
Also known as: Ribwort Plantain, Lanceleaf Indianwheat, Ribgrass
Growing Information
- USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-9a
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Approximate Mature Size: 4-20 in (10-51 cm) tall
- Bloom Time: Spring to Fall
- Sun Exposure: Full Sun
The English Plantain is an introduced white wildflower in Alaska, originally native to Europe and Asia.
It’s one of the most recognizable lawn weeds with its long, hairy, flowering spikes. These spikes contain small and inconspicuous white flowers.
You can spot English Plantain growing in disturbed habitats, dry meadows, grazing pastures, and roadsides. Its flowers are pollinated by flies and beetles, while songbirds eat their seeds.
Interestingly, English Plantain can adapt to different conditions depending on how humans try to eradicate it! For example, this plant naturally grows in tall stalks, but if the area where it grows is frequently mowed, it will grow low to the ground to avoid being cut.
#2. Wild Calla
- Calla palustris
Also known as: Water Arum, Water-dragon, Swamp Lily, Marsh Calla
Growing Information
- USDA Hardiness Zone: 2-6a
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Approximate Mature Size: 6-16 in (15-41 cm) tall
- Bloom Time: Spring to Summer
- Sun Exposure: Partial Shade
The Wild Calla is unique among white wildflowers in Alaska.
It’s the only species in its genus and is a beautiful sight. A striking yellow spike known as the spadix protrudes from its oval spathe (flower cup).
Despite its beauty, the leaves of the Wild Calla are highly poisonous for both humans and animals. Therefore, it’s best to leave this plant alone if you encounter it in its native habitat of rivers, lakes, or swamps.
This unusual aquatic plant loves the cold and is pollinated by flies instead of bees or butterflies. However, you can identify it easily if you look for heart-shaped leaves and a cluster of bright red berries in the summer.
#3. White Clover
- Trifolium repens
Also known as: Dutch Clover, Shamrock, Honeysuckle Grass
Growing Information
- USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-10a
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Approximate Mature Size: 4-6 in (10-15 cm) tall
- Bloom Time: Spring to Fall
- Sun Exposure: Partial Shade to Full Sun
White Clover is native to Europe and Asia, but this white wildflower is considered a naturalized species in Alaska. It grows so well that it can take over lawns, roadsides, pastures, and waste areas. Fortunately, however, White Clover doesn’t usually compete with native vegetation!
From spring to fall, White Clover blooms with an abundance of creamy white, rounded flowers. You might be familiar with its green leaves, which typically have three leaflets. But if you find one with four, you can consider yourself lucky! 🙂
Interestingly, all parts of the White Clover are edible. You can use the dried flowers to make tea or the young leaves in a salad. You can also grind the flowers and seed pods to be sprinkled as a seasoning on cooked food. It has a subtle vanilla-like flavor.
#4. Yarrow
- Achillea millefolium
Also known as: Bloodwort, Carpenter’s Weed, Devil’s Nettle
Growing Information
- USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-9
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Approximate Mature Size: 24-36 in (61-91 cm) tall
- Bloom Time: Summer
Planting Yarrow in your garden will reward you with abundant flowers that grow in clusters. They have small feathery leaves that look like ferns, and their scent might remind you of chrysanthemums (mums).
Some Yarrow plants were introduced from Europe in colonial times. However, there are many native subspecies of this white wildflower in Alaska. Together, they form colorful hybrids that will attract bees, wasps, beetles, moths, and butterflies to your garden.
Yarrow plants naturally occur in disturbed areas, grasslands, open forests, and roadsides. They can tolerate drought and survive in less than perfect conditions.
#5. Cow Parsnip
- Heracleum maximum
Also known as: American Cow-parsnip, American Hogweed, Satan Celery, Indian Celery, Indian Rhubarb
Growing Information
- USDA Hardiness Zone: 4b-10a
- Life Cycle: Biennial or Perennial
- Approximate Mature Size: 47-94 in (119-239 cm) tall
- Bloom Time: Summer
- Sun Exposure: Partial Shade to Full Sun
Cow Parsnip is a relative of the cultivated parsnip. However, this white wildflower in Alaska is not something you should eat. Be exceeding careful when gardening near this plant! The sap released from its broken leaves can cause blisters on your skin that take months to heal.
Typical of members of the carrot family, Cow Parsnip’s flowers occur in small, white clusters called umbels. The stems are tall and hairy, while the leaves are very large and divided into three lobes. Look for this plant in meadows, streamsides, and moist areas.
Cow Parnsip’s blooms are irresistible for birds and butterflies. The roots are also an important food source for wild animals. Bears are especially fond of them, so be careful of growing this plant in your backyard.
#6. Oxeye Daisy
- Leucanthemum vulgare
Also known as: Dog Daisy, Marguerite, White Weed
Growing Information
- USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-8a
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Approximate Mature Size: 12-24 in (30-61 cm) tall
- Bloom Time: Spring to Summer
- Sun Exposure: Partial Shade to Full Sun
Oxeye Daisy has beautiful white petals surrounding yellow disc-shaped centers. Unfortunately, this wildflower is from Europe and is an invasive species in Alaska. Its seeds and underground rhizomes spread aggressively, colonizing native ecosystems. Today, you can find it growing in grassy fields, meadows, disturbed sites, and open woodlands.
Although the plant is self-fertilizing, bees, flies, beetles, moths, and butterflies help pollinate the Oxeye Daisy.
Learn about other colors of wildflowers in Alaska:
Yellow / Orange / Purple / Blue
Which of these white wildflowers have you seen before in Alaska?
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