The ONLY Type of Hummingbird in Quebec! (2025)

What types of hummingbirds can you find in Quebec?

common hummingbirds in quebec

Hummingbirds are one of the most popular birds in Quebec and have captivated people’s interest and attention for a long time. But because hummingbirds are incredibly fast and small, these birds can be hard to distinguish from each other. Most of the time, they just look like little green, iridescent blurs streaking by your face!

Today, you will learn about the ONLY type of hummingbird that lives in Quebec.

The below description includes identification tips, pictures, *range maps, fun facts, AND how to attract these beautiful birds to your yard!

#1: Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Most likely, these hummingbirds are the ONLY type you will ever see in Quebec!

ruby throated hummingbird - types of hummingbirds in quebec

How To Identify:

  • Males: Medium-sized hummingbird with a bright red throat and a black chin and mask that extends behind the eyes. The top of their head and back is iridescent green. Underparts are pale grey with a green wash on the sides of their belly.
  • Females: Duller than males. The chin and throat are white with pale green streaks. Their face lacks the black chin and red throat of the male. Their belly is mostly white with buffy flanks, and the back is green.
  • *Similar Species: Broad-tailed Hummingbirds, which have a duller red throat and lack a black chin. These two species have ranges that do not overlap.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Range Map

ruby throated hummingbird range map

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are common in Quebec during warm summer months. Once cooler temperatures start to arrive, these birds migrate to Mexico. Amazingly, most individuals travel ACROSS the Gulf of Mexico to reach their wintering grounds. Remember, they must make this incredibly long journey in a single flight, as there is nowhere to stop and rest. 🙂

How do you attract Ruby-throated Hummingbirds in Quebec?

While there are many ways to draw these winged beauties to your yard, here are the two BEST strategies:

#1. Put out nectar feeders.

species of hummingbirds in quebec

The most common way to get hummers to visit your backyard is to hang a quality hummingbird feeder filled with homemade nectar (sugar water).

The reason this strategy works is that nectar is a primary food source for hummingbirds. To fuel their active lifestyle, hummingbirds need to feed on it almost continuously throughout the day.

Supplying a FRESH and RELIABLE nectar source will be sought after by hummingbirds.

#2. Plant native plants that have long, tubular flowers.

As we just discussed, hummingbirds need nectar continuously, which is naturally obtained from flowers. Did you know that a hummingbird can visit up to 2,000 flowers each day looking for nectar?

With that being said, I hope it’s easy to see why you should plant shrubs, trees, and flowers in your yard that hummingbirds can’t resist! Establishing a hummingbird garden provides birds with a safe place to reliably find food.

Look for red flowers, because hummingbirds are naturally attracted to this color. Also, long, tubular flowers are great for hummingbirds because they can access the nectar with their long beaks and tongues, but bees and other insects can’t!

What sounds do Ruby-throated Hummingbirds make?

YouTube video

Press PLAY above to hear the sound these birds make!

Believe it or not, these hummingbirds do make distinctive noises. The sounds that I most often hear are a series of calls seem to be given as individuals are chasing each other around. It resembles a chattering “chee-dit.”

Fun Facts:

  • Their legs are so short they are unable to walk or hop! If needed, they can sort of shuffle and scoot down a branch.
  • These hummingbirds can beat their wings up to 53 times per SECOND!
YouTube video
  • Ruby-throated Hummingbirds drink nectar for energy, but they obtain nutrition by eating a wide variety of small bugs. The list includes spiders, mosquitoes, gnats, fruit flies, and small bees.

Do you want to learn more about hummingbirds in Quebec?

If so, here are a few books you should consider purchasing. 🙂

Which of these hummingbirds have you seen before in Quebec?

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To learn more about birds that live near you, check out these other guides!

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  1. I saw what I thought was an extra colorful large bee but at a closer look , it seemed to be the tiniest bee. Was this a humming bird