30 COMMON Snakes Found in South America! (2025)

Do you want to learn about the types of snakes in South America?

If so, you’ve come to the right place. In the article below, I have listed the MOST COMMON snakes you can expect to see. Unfortunately, there are so many snakes that live in South America that it would be impossible to list each one. 🙂

You’ll see that the snakes in South America are very different from each other. They range from venomous species to snakes that use constriction to immobilize their prey. In addition, certain snakes are common to find living around people. For each species, you will find out how to identify that snake correctly, along with pictures, interesting facts, and range maps!

30 types of snakes in South America:

#1. Garden Tree Boa

  • Corallus hortulana

Also known as Amazon Tree Boa, Macabrel, Common Tree Boa

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults are 53-188 cm (21-74 in), but they can grow up to 220 cm (87 in).
  • They are famous for being polymorphic. Some snakes have patternless bodies, while others are marked with bands, chevrons, and speckles everywhere.
  • Morph #1 (“Colored” morph): Bright colors such as red, orange, and yellow
  • Morph #2 (“Garden” morph): Lackluster tones such as black, gray, brown, or olive

Look for this snake in South America in humid jungles, dry savannas, and riversides.

As you can probably tell from its name, the Garden Tree Boa feels most at home in the protection of trees. Here, it hunts birds, lizards, frogs, and small mammals.

Unlike most other reptiles, female Garden Tree Boas give birth to live young. These babies are impressively self-sufficient! They can fend for themselves immediately after being born. After only three years, they’re fully grown and ready to repeat the reproduction cycle.

Although Garden Tree Boas are non-venomous, you may want to keep your hands off. They are known to bite at the slightest provocation, and a bite can really hurt! This makes them more suited for experienced snake keepers, but there’s plenty of time to learn; they live for up to 20 years in captivity.

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#2. Common Blunt-headed Snake

  • Imantodes cenchoa

Also known as Fiddle-string Snake, Neotropical Blunthead Treesnake

Identifying Characteristics:

  • They grow to be 80-150 cm (31-59 in).
  • They have slender bodies, narrow necks, and large heads.
  • Brown and black patches alternate along the body.

This small, cartoonish snake slithers among low vegetation in rainforests in South America. If you look closely, you’ll notice its bizarre set of eyes! They are comically large with vertical slits for pupils. This gives the Common Blunt-headed Snake better vision than other snakes.

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Wide awake at night, they feed on sleeping lizards, amphibians, and reptile eggs. When the sun comes out, you might find Common Blunt-headed Snakes coiled and resting on vines and bushes. They like cool, wet environments and are more active in the rainy seasons.

Common Blunt-headed Snakes have mild venom and docile natures. Therefore, they pose no danger to humans. However, they don’t do well in captivity, so it’s better to observe this snake in the wild instead of keeping one as a pet.

#3. Fer-de-lance

  •  Bothrops atrox

Also known as Common Lancehead, Barba Amarilla

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults can grow 75-125 cm (30-49 in) in length.
  • Look for a series of trapezoids across the body.
  • Coloration is usually olive, gray, or brown. They have light-colored bellies, commonly white or cream.
  • These snakes have golden irises and black tongues.

The Fer-de-lance is responsible for most of the snake bites in South America.

So, it’s best to tread carefully if you find yourself in the Amazon region. While these snakes live primarily in dense forests, they also wander into coffee plantations when hunting.

As with other pit vipers, the Fer-de-lance has heat sensors below its eyes to track prey. They easily devour smaller prey like frogs and tarantulas. However, when it comes to larger prey, these snakes bite and then let go. The venom eventually kills the animal while the lancehead tracks it down again.

This snake isn’t only dangerous to its prey, either. A bite from the Common Lancehead targets the circulatory system and can cause serious internal bleeding to humans. Interestingly, the younger snakes have faster-acting venom. Either way, you should seek medical attention quickly if you get bitten by this aggressive species.

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#4. Green Anaconda

  • Eunectes murinus

Also known as Giant Anaconda, Common Anaconda, Common Water Boa, Water Kamudi, Sucuri

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Green Anacondas can grow 500 cm (16.4 ft) long and weigh about 30-70 kg (66-154 lbs).
  • Females are much larger than males.
  • Their bodies are olive green with dark blotches, but some are brown and yellow.
  • The eyes are on top of their heads to help them look around while submerged.

The Green Anaconda is the largest, heaviest snake in South America and worldwide!

Adults can grow as long as a small school bus when stretched from head to tail. You can find them submerged in swamps or hidden deep in rainforests. 

With their sheer size, Green Anacondas can ambush large animals that go for a drink near the water’s edge. Deer, capybaras, or even jaguars can fall victim to this relentless predator! Their hunting style is perfectly designed to take down a large meal.

First, these snakes latch onto prey with a bite from their large, sharp fangs. Then they coil themselves around their prey to make escape impossible. Finally, they slowly swallow their meal whole. Green Anacondas take time to digest such a large meal, surviving for weeks without eating again. Though they are large enough to eat humans, there are no official reports of such cases. What a relief! 🙂

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#5. Yellow Anaconda

  • Eunectes notaeus

Also known as Paraguayan Anaconda, Southern Anaconda

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults grow 330-440 cm (130-173 in) long.
  • Females are larger than males.
  • From head to tail, they are colored tan or yellow with dark streaks and overlapping blotches.

Yellow Anacondas are one of the largest snakes in South America.

Be careful around river banks and marshlands! These huge reptiles like to loiter around wet areas in wait for passing prey. Additionally, their mottled coloring makes them almost impossible to see. They have a taste for deer, peccaries, and wading birds that they ambush from under water.

In the mating season, females release pheromones, attracting many suitors to compete for the chance to breed. The male snakes fight to prove their strength, and the strongest and largest snake wins the right to breed with the female. Yellow Anacondas give birth to live young, having up to 80 live babies at once!

Though non-venomous and non-aggressive, this species is noted for being unpredictable. There are accounts of captive snakes attacking their handlers. Therefore, it’s best to keep your distance if you find one in the wild!

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#6. Western Rainbow Boa

  • Epicrates cenchria

Also known as the Slender Boa

Identifying Characteristics:

  • They are usually 120-180 cm (47-71 in) long.
  • Their skin refracts light, creating patches that look like an oil slick.
  • Body coloration ranges from brown to reddish brown, with dark rings on their backs and blotches at the sides.
  • There are three parallel stripes on the head.

This strikingly beautiful snake in South America is a common resident of woodlands.

The colorful sheen of its scales is hard to miss, and this is how the Western Rainbow Boa got its name! Its visual appeal and lack of venom make it a popular pet among reptile lovers.

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Western Rainbow Boas are versatile travelers. They can crawl across the land or take to the trees, but they aren’t only agile on land. They’re also strong swimmers and spend time in lakes and large rivers. Their ability to move through all these environments allows them to feed on a wide variety of prey, including birds, lizards, and amphibians.

Though harmless to humans and generally shy, Western Rainbow Boas don’t like to be handled. Hatchlings can be particularly feisty! They will bite as a warning to stay away and attempt to constrict if that fails. 

#7. Boa Constrictor

  • Boa constrictor

Also known as Red-tailed Boa, Common Boa

Identifying Characteristics:

  • These snakes grow 400 cm (157 in) long on average.
  • Females are longer and wider than males.
  • Coloration depends on their habitat. They can be varying shades of tan, brown, green, and even yellow or red.
  • They have distinctive geometric patterns with ovals, diamonds, bands, and stripes.

The Boa Constrictor is so famous it doesn’t need a common name! Instead, people easily remember it by its scientific name, Boa Constrictor! Hailing from the humid tropics, this heavyweight snake can be spotted in trees and burrows. 

Don’t let its large size fool you! The Boa Constrictor is an ambush predator that can strike with blinding speed. It enjoys feasting on monkeys and wild boars. This snake is also a remarkable swimmer, so don’t be surprised to find one near a river or stream.

Boa Constrictors are a popular attraction in zoos all over the world. In captivity, they can live for over 40 years. They’re generally docile, but they’ll still deliver a warning bite if they feel threatened. Thankfully, they’re non-venomous.

#8. Terciopelo

  • Bothrops asper

Identifying Characteristics:

  • On average, these vipers are 120-180 cm (47-71 in) long.
  • Terciopelos have wide, flat heads.
  • Females can grow up to 10 times larger than males.
  • They range from brown to gray. Patterns include dark spots and stripes that form triangles along the body.

The Terciopelo, which is also referred to as a Fer-de-lance in its range, is a venomous species you can find in tropical rainforests and lowlands. They have a fierce reputation and are responsible for many of the snakebites that occur in South America. They also have large fangs and an exceptionally high venom yield. This snake is impressive but also terrifying and has been nicknamed “the ultimate pit viper”!

This large pit viper is a patient predator. It will disguise itself among leaf litter for long periods, then bite swiftly once prey comes in range. The Terciopelo’s usual meal includes various insects, rabbits, and crayfish.

The venom of a Terciopelo is dangerously potent. Unfortunate victims can experience fevers, internal bleeding, and even death in extreme cases. It’s important to seek medical attention immediately if you think you’ve been bitten. If the Terciopelo is cornered, it will strike faster than you can react. So always keep a respectful distance!

#9. South American Bushmaster

  • Lachesis muta

Also known as Atlantic Forest Bushmaster, Mapepire Zanana

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults are 200-250 cm (79-98 in) long.
  • They have broad heads.
  • Their coloring can be yellowish, tan, or gray-brown.
  • Look out for a scaly diamond pattern and a pale-colored underside.

True to its name, the South American Bushmaster loves to hide in the bushes and undergrowth of forests with frequent rain. This stealthy snake lurks near animal trails, waiting to ambush rodents, birds, and other smaller reptiles.

Bushmasters are solitary creatures. In fact, they are so elusive that herpetologists are still arguing about how dangerous they are. When they’re not hunting, these pit vipers rest in hollow logs and small burrows. So, don’t go peeking inside unless you’re prepared to come across one!

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Loud rustling among fallen leaves can indicate the presence of a South American Bushmaster. They usually try to escape if disturbed but stay cautious nonetheless! Most researchers agree that they’re highly venomous. Untreated bites are thought to be potent enough to kill.

#10. Mountain Keelback

  • Helicops angulatus

Also known as Brown-banded Watersnake, Water Mapepire

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults grow to a maximum length of 78 cm (31 inches).
  • Their eyes and nostrils are situated at the top of their heads.
  • These snakes tend to be olive or grayish brown. Dark, jagged bands cover their bodies.

The Mountain Keelback is one of the slowest snakes in South America!

These sluggish travelers only move about a few meters each day. If you want to find one in action (or non-action, because of their slow speed), look in the freshwater bodies of the Amazon basin.

Because of its slow-moving nature, this species prefers to ambush unsuspecting prey. At night, Mountain Keelbacks lie in wait for unlucky animals swimming by. Smaller fish, frogs, and tadpoles are all on the menu. However, sometimes they are the unlucky ones as they are common prey for herons and larger snakes.

Mountain Keelbacks are only mildly venomous. However, they can be very irritable when disturbed. In defense, they will coil into an S position before lunging into a bite. They can’t kill you, but their bites are still quite painful. Hands off!

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#11. Fire-bellied Snake

  • Erythrolamprus epinephelus

Also known as Fire-bellied Smooth Snake, Golden-bellied Snakelet

Identifying Characteristics:

  • The longest length these snakes can reach is 78 cm (31 in).
  • They have rounded snouts and round pupils.
  • Body coloration can be olive, brown, orange, or yellow. You might also notice black-striped markings along the back.
  • Their bellies are typically yellow.

This colorful snake in South America is found in pastures, shrublands, and forests.

It belongs to the genus commonly called “false coral snakes.” They mimic the colors of the more dangerous coral snakes, but they’re not equipped with venom.

Fire-bellied Snakes have developed other traits to survive in the harsh wild. Impressively, their favorite food is the Golden Dart Frog– the world’s most poisonous animal. They’ve developed an immunity to the toxins of this frog. As a result, they can withstand a poison that can easily kill an adult human!

Besides its interesting adaptations and eating habits, little is known about this extremely obscure snake species. It’s shy and cryptic, making research and observation next to impossible. If you see one in the wild, consider yourself extremely lucky!

#12. Cloudy Snail-eating Snake

  • Sibon nebulatus

Also known as Slug-eating Snake, Cloudy Snail Sucker, Clouded Snake

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Not bigger than 71 cm (28 in), these snakes can fit in the palm of your hand.
  • They have wide heads and large eyes, and their tails are more slender towards the tip.
  • Coloration is usually gray or brown, patterned with dark bands and spots.

The humid forests of South America are home to Cloudy Snail-Eaters. Pay attention to the forest floor, where these tiny snakes crawl along the carpet of dead leaves at night. They’re especially active after a good rain.

Cloudy Snail-Eating Snakes are quite crafty hunters and have a perfect system to catch a meal! First, they track down the scent of their favorite prey. Then, when they catch one, they’ll drag the snail until its shell gets stuck between rocks. Finally, they’ll pull the soft body out and swallow their prize. 

Cloudy Snail-Eaters are a non-venomous species. and they’re too small to cause serious damage when biting. Instead, they’ll secrete a foul odor to defend themselves against attackers.

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#13. Giant Parrot Snake

  • Leptophis ahaetulla

Also known as Parrot Snake, Lora

Identifying Characteristics:

  • These slim-bodied snakes can grow to 172 cm (68 in) long.
  • Typically, the coloration is bright green or bronze with a lighter underside. Yellow stripes are sometimes seen at the sides.
  • They have noticeably large, yellow eyes with round pupils.
  • Look for a black lining along the eyes on both sides of the head.

Among the trees and underbrush of South American jungles, you might encounter what you think is a moving vine. However, a closer look would reveal it to be the Giant Parrot Snake! It’s a long, slender snake whose name refers to its vivid colors. 

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Parrot Snakes are only mildly venomous. Their fangs are set at the back of their mouths, so it’s harder for them to deliver venom. Even so, don’t tempt a bite! The bacteria in their mouths can cause a serious infection that requires medical attention.

Despite being narrow and seemingly harmless, Parrot Snakes are fierce predators. They hunt during daylight hours, taking down small birds and tree lizards with aggressive agility. Occasionally, if food is scarce, they are known to cannibalize each other. 

#14. Black-backed Snake

  • Erythrolamprus melanotus

Also known as Shaw’s Dark Ground Snake, South American Black-backed Smooth Snake, Squirrel Snake

Identifying Characteristics:

  • They are fairly small and slender snakes that can grow to 43-60 cm (17-24 in) long.
  • Their snouts are rounded.
  • As you might have guessed from the name, these snakes have a black stripe that runs along the back from snout to tail.
  • The rest of their bodies are lighter in color, commonly yellow, white, or orange.

You might see this snake in South America in freshwater rivers treading in the currents.

The Black-backed Snake is primarily a land-dwelling species, but it’s also an excellent swimmer.

Black-backed Snakes are active during the day when they chase after small lizards on dry land. In the water, they forage for fish and frogs. They’re also common on cacao plantations, where they seem comfortable around humans. But don’t be alarmed; they are non-venomous and don’t pose any danger to us.

On their native island of Trinidad, these snakes are called Beh belle chemin. This translates to “beauty of the road.” The black and yellow stripes intricately lining their body indeed make them a thing of beauty!

#15. Forest Flame Snake

  • Oxyrhopus petolarius

Also known as False Coral, Calico Snake

Credit (left image): Mateo.gable, (right image): Ubiratã Souza, via Wikimedia Commons

Identifying Characteristics:

  • They can reach a total length of 91 cm (36 in).
  • Some specimens can mimic the patterns of coral snakes. They’re usually black with brightly colored bands in red, orange, and white shades.
  • Some are plain brown with shiny scales.
  • They have round, bulging eyes.

The Forest Flame Snake lives in forests, foothills, and lowlands in South America. This snake is mainly a night-time hunter, stalking rodents, lizards, and sleeping birds. Sometimes, it will raid birds’ nests to feast on eggs. Its venom is particularly toxic to Anole Lizards, one of its favorite foods.

When the sun comes out, Forest Flame Snakes will retreat into the shade for rest. However, they like warm places, so you might find one hiding in a hollow log where it’s easier to preserve heat.

They are only mildly venomous snakes and pose no danger to humans. On the contrary, Forest Flame Snakes are quite calm even when handled. Their first instinct upon sensing threats is to flee instead of fight.

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#16. Central American Boa

  • Boa imperator

Also known as Boa Constrictor Imperator, Common Northern Boa, Colombian Boa

Credit (left image): Hersson Ramírez, (right image): Esteban Alzate, via Wikimedia Commons

Identifying Characteristics:

  • These large reptiles are generally 130-250 cm (51-98 in) long.
  • Female boas are much larger than males.
  • You might notice a dark streak that extends from their eyes to the back of their jaws.

The Central American Boa prefers humid rainforests, but they occasionally inhabit drier environments like savannas. It is a stealthy hunter, slow-moving and well-camouflaged. At dusk, it ambushes birds, lizards, and smaller mammals, constricting them until they stop breathing.

As one of the most territorial snakes in South America, this species lives most of its life in isolation.

Most of the time, they only interact with each other to breed. If you encounter one in the wild, remember that it won’t hesitate to strike repeatedly in rapid succession. Even though they aren’t venomous, their bites can still hurt. Watch your step!

These snakes are quite popular as pets because of their flashy patterns and lack of venom. Some snake keepers breed them to produce unique-colored morphs. These days, you might even find a Central American Boa that’s entirely white.

#17. Banded Cat-eyed Snake

  • Leptodeira annulata

Also known as Cat-eyed Night Snake

Identifying Characteristics:

  • These snakes are very slender. They can reach lengths of 75 cm (30 in).
  • Their eyes are large with vertical-slit pupils.
  • Coloration is typically in shades of brown, though some are yellowish or orange.
  • They have dark spots and blotches. When overlapping, these can form zigzags across the body.

The Banded Cat-eyed Snake often gets mistaken for a South American Bushmaster, but it’s nowhere near as venomous. Its mild venom only immobilizes its prey and has little effect on humans. You can find this snake in South America near sources of water in scrublands and other forested areas.

Banded Cat-eyed Snakes are nocturnal hunters. In the cover of darkness, they set out to feed on unsuspecting lizards and rodents. Their semi-aquatic nature allows them to also hunt frogs and toads. During the day, they slither into the protection of hollowed logs to hide from hawks.

These docile snakes seldom bite, even when handled. They always try to escape first upon suspecting danger. If cornered, they will secrete a putrid odor against predators. Cover your nose!

#18. Patagonian Racer

  • Philodryas patagoniensis

Also known as Patagonia Green Racer

Credit (left image): Frederico de Alcântara Menezes, Arthur Diesel Abegg, Bruno Rocha da Silva, Francisco Luís Franco, Renato Neves Feio, via Wikimedia Commons

Identifying Characteristics:

  • These are slender-bodied snakes growing up to 150 cm (59 in) long.
  • They have big, round pupils, rounded snouts, and prominent scaled markings from head to tail.
  • Coloration is various shades of olive green or brown. Their bellies are white.

The Patagonian Racer is a widespread snake in South America.

It lives in steppes and grasslands across the continent. This reptile is not considered venomous, but it does have toxic saliva. It has a nasty bite, so it’s best to observe this snake from a distance.

Juvenile Patagonian Racers prefer cold-blooded prey like frogs and lizards. Adults, on the other hand, prefer warm-blooded prey such as birds and small mammals. They spend most of their time hunting in trees during the day. At night, they retreat to land crevices to avoid Barn Owls.

This stealthy snake has a habit of startling hikers with its astounding burst of speed! It can blend almost perfectly into the forest floor or tree cover. 

#19. Yellow-bellied Liophis

  • Erythrolamprus poecilogyrus
Credit (left image): Otavio A.V. Marques, (right image): Otavio A.V. Marques, via Wikimedia Commons

Identifying Characteristics:

  • These snakes can grow between 55-100 cm (22-39 in) long.
  • Some specimens mimic the striped patterns of more venomous snakes.
  • As their name implies, they have yellow-colored undersides. The rest of their bodies are commonly a solid brown, olive, or black.

Yellow-bellied Liophises are speedy snakes you can find racing on dry land and grass fields. They are skilled swimmers, too, staying in shallow water to feed on frogs and toads. While adults eat lizards and small mammals, babies prefer tadpoles and insects.

This fascinating snake has adaptations to help it survive, both as a predator and as prey. For example, the Yellow-bellied Liophis will vomit to protect itself if it accidentally swallows a poisonous animal. Another handy defense mechanism is mimicking the colors of venomous coral snakes. In truth, this species is generally harmless. Still, it will bite when irritated, so don’t test your luck! 

The unique appearance of Yellow-bellied Liophises makes them popular in the pet trade. They’re bred to produce even more diverse color patterns. 

#20. Yarará Lancehead

  • Bothrops jararaca

Also known as Jararaca, Yarará

Credit (left image): Fausto E. Barbo, via Wikimedia Commons

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults can reach lengths of 60-160 cm (24-63 in).
  • Their heads are flat with sharp ridges that meet towards the front. You can spot a dark marking behind each eye, running back to the angle of the mouth.
  • Coloration varies significantly. These include brown, gray, olive, and yellow with trapezoidal markings.

If you find a snake in the forests of South America, be extra cautious of the Yarará Lancehead. You wouldn’t want to meet this highly venomous and aggressive species. It’s responsible for many snake bites because it frequents agricultural fields while searching for food.

Lanceheads are ambush predators. They blend well on the forest floor, waiting to catch unsuspecting rodents. Juvenile Yararás use their white-colored tail tips to lure frogs and arthropods. Once they strike, they bite to inject their potent venom, which quickly kills the prey.

Astonishingly, this viper’s venom has helped save lives! Despite being deadly on its own, it was used to create the world’s first ACE inhibitor. This drug is used to treat patients with high blood pressure and certain types of heart failure.

#21. Neotropical Rattlesnake

  • Crotalus durissus

Also known as South American Rattlesnake, Central American Rattlesnake, Cascabel Rattlesnake, Guiana Rattlesnake, Aruba Island Rattlesnake

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults are typically 150 cm (59 in) long on average. 
  • There is a prominent stripe at the base of their heads, intersecting each eye.
  • Scales protrude from their body.
  • They usually appear in shades of brown and gray. Sometimes, patterns of diamonds and triangles form across the body. Bellies are yellowish or white.

Neotropical Rattlesnakes in South America are residents of grasslands and tropical forests.

You might also find them in drier areas if a shortage of prey drives them to find food. These snakes are most active at dusk, stalking rodents and other reptiles. They’re equipped with heat-sensing pits below their eyes to track down prey.

These rattlesnakes are dangerously venomous. Left untreated, bite victims can experience muscle paralysis and difficulty breathing. In the worst cases, victims can end up with organ failure and death. Therefore, if you receive a bite from a Neotropical Rattlesnake, it’s vital to get medical help as soon as possible.

A Neotropical Rattlesnake can move with remarkable speed, but its first instinct is not to attack. To warn you, it might make a rattling sound with its tail or raise its forebody into a defensive striking posture. When this happens, it’s best to respect the warning, back away slowly, and then leave the area.

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#22. Urutu Lancehead

  • Bothrops alternatus

Also known as Urutu, Crossed Pit Viper, Wutu

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults reach 80-120 cm (31-47 in) in length.
  • Their heads are distinctly broad and lance-shaped.
  • They’re brown, olive, and gray with a unique “mirrored” body pattern that can form cross-like shapes enclosed in large blotches.

Widely found in swamps and rainforests, the Urutu Lancehead is a member of the pit viper family. This highly venomous snake is drawn to the body heat of its prey using special organs in its head called “pits.” It blends into leaf litter to sneak up on unsuspecting mammals like opossums and mice.

Urutu Lancheads are short-tempered, contributing to many bites in humans. Its venom can cause serious tissue damage around the the bite wound. In severe cases, amputation of the affected limb is needed. Go to a hospital immediately if you find yourself bitten by this snake!

Although they usually live far away from civilization, Urutu Lanceheads can stray into farmlands in search of prey. Sadly, farmers are often forced to kill these snakes to protect their livestock.

#23. Gunther’s Striped Snake

  • Lygophis anomalus
Credit (left image): Romi Galeota Lencina, (right image): Romi Galeota Lencina, via Wikimedia Commons

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Fairly small and slender, adults grow only 45-72 cm (18-28 in) long.
  • Body coloration includes brown, olive, cream, and gray. These colors alternate to form spots and stripes. Their bellies are creamy yellow.
  • Two white lines run parallel to each other along the back.

Even though they’re small, Gunther’s Striped Snakes are numerous, so you have a good chance of spotting one. Don’t panic if you do. These snakes are harmless to humans and are more likely to flee than attack. They often inhabit grasslands, staying close to streams and lagoons.

During the winter, Gunther’s Striped Snakes hibernate to avoid the worst of the cold weather. Incredibly, they go for months without food! They can hibernate alone but prefer staying in groups, which helps them preserve body heat. So don’t be surprised to find large groups of these snakes during the spring as they wake up from their long nap. 🙂

Gunther’s Striped Snakes like to make lairs out of rodent burrows. Here, they’re protected from the elements as well as predators. If cornered, these striped snakes will expel a foul liquid as a warning. Watch out!

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#24. South American Hognose

  • Xenodon dorbignyi

Also known as South American Pig-nosed Snake

Credit: Juan Anza, via Wikimedia Commons

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults measure 45-80 cm (18-31 in) in length.
  • They get their name from their upward-facing snouts, shaped like a pig’s nose.
  • Coloration varies from yellowish, brown, black, and gray. Body patterns form a series of spots and blotches with light borders.

You might mistake a South American Hognose for a milk snake or coral snake. Despite being unrelated, they share a similar three-color skin pattern. This mimicry of the highly venomous coral snake helps scare off predators. But don’t worry; this species isn’t nearly as dangerous.

The upturned snouts of South American Hognoses allow them to make burrows to rest and hide in. These reptiles like sandy areas that aren’t too far from wetlands because the loose, moist soil is easier for them to dig. Their favorite prey is toads, but they’re known to eat fish in captivity. 

The South American Hognose has poisonous saliva. Note that this isn’t the same as typical snake venom; it’s much milder, and it poses no harm to humans. These snakes are mild-mannered, making them popular among exotic pet keepers.

#25. False Water Cobra

  • Hydrodynastes gigas

Also known as False Cobra, Brazilian Smooth Snake, South American Water Cobra

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults are typically 200 cm (79 in) long but occasionally up to 300 cm (118 in).
  • They can flatten their necks and other sections of their bodies.
  • Typical coloration is olive or brown, patterned with dark spots and bands. Undersides are lighter in color.

False Water Cobras favor the high humidity of forests and marshlands. Here, they are highly alert hunters preying on fish and amphibians in the daytime. Take note of how unpredictable these snakes can be. Some individuals are mild-mannered, while others can be quite aggressive. To be safe, it’s best to observe this species from a distance.

As their name suggests, False Water Cobras aren’t true cobras. They can, however, puff up their neck and flatten the skin to mimic a cobra’s hood. You can tell them apart because False Water Cobras can’t raise their forebodies off the ground as real cobras do.

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False Water Cobras are unique because their fangs don’t hold a large amount of venom. As a result, they must repeatedly chew on their prey to incapacitate it. Consequently, bites on humans are usually not serious since we can get away before this happens. Symptoms may include swelling and bouts of muscle paralysis, so it’s still important to see a doctor.

#26. Painted Lancehead

  • Bothrops diporus
Credit (left image): Silvio Montani, via Wikimedia Commons

Identifying Characteristics:

  • On average, adults are 65 cm (26 in) long, but rare specimens nearly double that length have occurred.
  • Their heads are flat and lance-shaped.
  • Brown and gray colors are common. You’ll also notice dark trapezoids, triangles, and blotches alternating along the body.

These abundant snakes in South America are well known for their intricate patterns and dangerous venom.

The Painted Lancehead is hard to spot on land because of how well it can camouflage itself. As such, it’s highly successful in catching passing frogs, lizards, and rodents.

Painted Lancheads, like other pit vipers, have special heat-sensing pits below their eyes. These pits allow them to find warm-blooded animals before they can see them. Of course, since humans are warm-blooded, they will sense you if you’re in range, too!

Great caution is advised when dealing with Painted Lanceheads. They are highly venomous, and untreated bites occasionally kill humans. If you encounter one, don’t attempt to confront or trap it because you’ll only make it angry! Back away from the snake slowly and leave the area instead.

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#27. Leopard Keelback

  • Helicops leopardinus

Identifying Characteristics:

  • These small snakes are only 48-100 cm (19-39 in) long.
  • They have slender, tapered tails.
  • Their base colors are usually black, brown, or gray. They have a series of dark orange or yellow spots and bands.

If you find yourself in the wetlands of South America, you may have an encounter with the Leopard Keelback. This nocturnal species has quite a temper, so try not to disturb it! The good news is their bite is non-venomous. Pain and swelling are the worst symptoms, but a bite from one of these angry snakes would put a damper on your hike.

Leopard Keelbacks are great swimmers, even in fast-flowing streams. They take advantage of aquatic plants as cover to sneak up on unwary frogs and fish.

Unlike most reptiles, female Leopard Keelbacks are viviparous. This means they give birth to live young! Birthing cycles coincide with rainy seasons to take advantage of flooding. When the young Leopard Keelbacks are born, they hitch a ride on floating plants to ensure a large range and distribution. How fun!

#28. Brown Vinesnake

  • Oxybelis aeneus

Also known as Mexican Vine Snake, Pike-headed Tree Snake, Horse Whip

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults reach 190 cm (75 in) in length.
  • They have incredibly slim bodies and long heads with narrow, pointed snouts.
  • Gray or brown colors are common. Undersides are pale or yellow. The inside of the mouth is black.

Brown Vinesnakes in South America are an arboreal species, living most of their lives in trees and shrubbery. You might find them in forested areas, hunting for prey when the sun is out. Their favorite meals are tree lizards, birds, frogs, and small rodents.

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With slender, dark-colored bodies, Brown Vinesnakes are practically undetectable when camouflaged against twigs! This camouflage allows them to hide from predators. However, if confrontation can’t be avoided, these reptiles will open their ink-black mouths as a threat display. 

The venom of the Brown Vinesnake is only effective against small prey. Humans, on the other hand, would have almost no symptoms aside from mild pain from the bite itself. Occasionally, these snakes may expel a foul order to dissuade attackers.

#29. Brazilian Lancehead

  • Bothrops moojeni

Identifying Characteristics:

  • These heavy-bodied snakes are about 160-230 cm (63-91 in) long.
  • They have broad, lance-shaped heads.
  • The coloring is gray, brown, and olive. Body markings are a series of trapezoids or triangles in contrasting colors.

South American forests are home to this snake, a particularly angry member of the pit viper family. Stay alert around streams! The Brazilian Lancehead likes to keep a water source nearby. At night, it lurks in lush vegetation, feeding on small mammals, birds, and amphibians.

Young Lanceheads tend to latch on to their prey, biting and not letting go until the victim is incapacitated. As they grow, they learn to release their bite to avoid injury from flailing prey. Instead, they track their victim down again as the animal succumbs to the venom. 

Brazilian Lancehead venom causes immediate pain. It also thins the blood, causing dangerous internal bleeding in bite victims. In the worst cases, stroke and death are possible. Seek immediate treatment if you get bitten!

#30. Eyelash Viper

  • Bothriechis schlegelii

Also known as Eyelash Pit Viper, Eyelash Palm Viper, Schlegel’s Viper, Eyelash Lancehead, Eyelash Mountain Viper, Horned Palm Viper, Parrot Snake

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults are generally 55-82 cm (22-32 in) long.
  • Their heads are broad and triangular.
  • Coloration depends on habitat. These include bright yellow, green, orange, or pink. You might also see dark speckles dotted all over the body.

Look for this small snake in South America in forests and woodlands. 

The fancy-looking Eyelash Viper earned its name from the pair of modified scales above its eyes which resemble eyelashes. A myth tells of this viper winking at its victims after biting them. Of course, snakes don’t have eyelids, so they can’t actually wink!

Did you know that Eyelash Vipers are resourceful creatures? To hydrate, they drink the water droplets that gather on leaves. In addition, they use their tails to grab onto branches, positioning themselves to hunt rodents, lizards, and small birds at night.

Eyelash Vipers are generally docile but will strike in defense if threatened. They’re moderately venomous, and while there are no recorded human deaths, their bites can still be very painful. Be careful if you happen to find one!

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Please check out these guides to other animals found in South America!

Which of these snakes have you seen before in South America?

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