The Most COMMON Spider Found in Liberia! (2025)

What kinds of spiders can you find in Liberia?

Types of spiders in Liberia

Many people are terrified of spiders and find them extremely creepy. This is unfortunate because not only are most spiders completely harmless, they benefit our environment by controlling the insect population. In fact, without spiders, our food supply would be in serious jeopardy.

most common SPIDER in Liberia!

#1. Pantropical Jumping Spider

  • Plexippus paykulli

Common Liberia spiders

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adult females range from 9 to 12 mm (0.35-0.47 in) long, while adult males range from 9 to 11 mm (0.35-0.43 in) long.
  • Females are brownish gray and darker on their back and head, especially around the eyes, and have a broad tan stripe that extends onto the abdomen.
  • Males are black with a broad white central stripe and two white spots near the rear of the abdomen.

Pantropical Jumping Spiders live near buildings, in citrus groves, and in cotton fields. They cleverly spend time around light sources that attract insect prey.

Unlike many spiders in Liberia, Pantropical Jumping Spiders do not construct a web. Instead, they construct silken retreats, often in the corner of a ceiling or other elevated position. They use this retreat to rest and hide between hunting.

Although they look incredibly dangerous, Pantropical Jumping Spiders will only bite if handled roughly. Their bites are relatively harmless and may resemble a bee sting or be even milder.

Check out these other guides about animals found in Liberia!

Which of these spiders have you seen before in Liberia?

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