Tufted Titmouse Calls (Learn 4 Common Sounds)

Living solely in eastern North America, these spunky little songbirds are frequent visitors of bird feeders. The Tufted Titmouse lives in the deciduous forest of the East and requires dead trees to build their cavity nests in.

tufted titmouse


If you are birding in Central Texas, be careful not to confuse the Tufted Titmouse calls with its close relative the Black-Crested Titmouse. A Tufted Titmouse call will be two-syllables in comparison to the Black-Crested Titmouse call having only a one-syllable call.

Tufted Titmouse Songs and CALLS:

  • Make sure to press PLAY on the audio files below. 🙂

Sound #1: “Peter-Peter-Peter”

Tufted Titmice sing this song on repeat anywhere from 11 to 35 times. Mostly sung by males, a female may give a slightly quieter version. As I listen to this song in mid-October it has me thinking of early spring mornings as the Tufted Titmice sing out where they are claiming nesting spots. 

Sound #2: Dropping Syllables

Tufted Titmice songs can be hard to determine because they change up their songs and mimic other birds. This song is considered another version of ‘peter-peter‘ but seems to be cutting off the last syllable.

Sound #3: Nasally Call

Tufted Titmouse calls can sound mechanical and nasally like this. To me, it seems like the bird is sneezing every time it gives a call.

Sound #4: “tsee-day-day-day”

If you have a bird feeder in the woods of Eastern North America, then it is almost guaranteed that you have heard this very common call. Also considered nasally and mechanical sounding, Tufted Titmouse use this call “tsee-day-day-day” to communicate with others in the area.

You may also hear Tufted Titmice calls that are harsh, fussy, and scolding. These can be to warn others of danger nearby.

Have you heard the calls and sounds of a Tufted Titmouse before?

If so, please let us know below!

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One Comment

  1. my app has identified a rhythmic call as belonging to the tufted titmouse, but when I go to verify it online or in the app it does not appear as a tufted titmouse call . . . rhythmic like 2 sixteenth notes 1 eighth; 2 sixteenth, 1 eighth. It is a very prominent, insistent call, generally heard in late January-February, spring; then leaves for a few months and then returns in the summer. East Tennessee. Very difficult to ever see this bird or find it in the trees while it is making this insistent sound. Wonder if it is a mating call? Thanks!